A page dedicated to Canal and Narrowboat users to save you hunting through our website we have selected the most popular items that may appeal to you to save you time hunting through our pages to find them. Quickly find your cabin boat lights, mooring pins and stakes, canal gate lock keys. Also a full selection of canal boat mooring fenders, boat fuel line filters, Canal and Narrowboat 12v electric switch panels, macerator toilets, pumps and fittings. We have recently introduced a selection of solar ventilators to keep your canal and narrowboat cool and fresh during the summer months. New this year include barge poles and canal boat piling hooks and also a large submersible magnet for retrieving lost metal items from of the bed of the canal. We have included more items in our canal boat brass cabin ware to give it the traditional look and feel. Also check out our selection of solar panels ideal for the canal and narrowboat and power inverters  as well to suit. We also stock a wide range of maintenance products to keep your canal and narrowboat in tip top condition, cleaning products, oil, greases etc, rope fenders all in stock. We hope you enjoy the new page.

Canal And Narrow Boat Fender


flat sided boat fender

Heavy Duty Flat Sided Boat Fender

A quality heavy duty flat sided boat fender, only 2 1/2" deep with solid eyes, 430mm x 120cm (17cm x 5")  ideal fender, space saving.

Only £24.99 £18 


long slim boat fenders

   Round Canal And Narrow Boat Fender

Slimline round long slim canal boat and narrowboat fenders from Anglesey Marine Supplies, 40mm diameter by 500mm

Quality Item for only £19.99 £16


canal boat fender heavy duty

       Heavy Duty Canal And Narrow boat Boat Fender

Heavy duty canal and narrowboat fender for more traditional narrow boats, made from solid rubber 20" long x 2" wide and can be positioned either lengthwise or perpendicular to the side of the vessel. supplies with black h/d 3 strand rope, 7 foot 6" long. Available in two different sizes, use drop down menu bar for choice.

From only £16.99 £15.99 


narrow boat fender

 Traditional Bow Narrow Canal and Narrow Boat Fender

 Traditional canal and narrow boat fender, made from black synthetic polyester. Has compacted rubber core therefore will not loose its shape. Size 66cm wide x 25mm deep. Has 5mm galvanized chain for attaching to boat.

New this season for only £120


narrow boat rope fender

Traditional Canal Narrow Boat Rope Fender

Traditional canal narrow boat long button rope fender made from black polyester with blue colour coding. Has compacted rubber core, will therefore not use its shape. Size : 30cm wide x 34cm deep. Has 5mm galvanized chain for attaching to boat.

Available for only £125


canal boat button fender

  Traditional Canal Boat Narrow Boat Button Fender

 Traditional canal boat narrow boat button fender, made from black synthetic polyester. Has compacted rubber core therefore will not loose its shape. Size 30cm wide x 19mm deep. Has 5mm galvanized chain for attaching to boat.

Available for only £110 


fender canal narrow boat

Long Button Canal And Narrow Boat Fender

 Traditional long button canal and narrow boat fender made from black polyester. Has compacted rubber core, will therefore not use its shape. Size : 30cm wide x 34cm deep. Has 5mm galvanized chain for attaching to boat.

Available for only £99.99 plus postage


fender rope canal narrow boat

Traditional Canal And Narrow Boat Rope Button Fender

Traditional narrow boat canal boat rope button fender, made from black synthetic polyester with blue colour coding. Has compacted rubber core therefore will not loose its shape. Size 30cm wide x 19mm deep. Has 5mm galvanized chain for attaching to boat.

Available for only £74.99 plus postage


fender canal narrow boat tipcat

Traditional Tipcat Canal Narrow Boat Fender

Traditional tipcat canal narrow boat fender. Size : 66cm long x 25cm wide. Traditional narrow boat bow fender, made from black synthetic polyester. Has compacted rubber core therefore will not loose its shape. Has 5mm galvanized chain for attaching to boat.

Available for only £109.99 plus postage


Boat Fender Hooks And Boat Fender Eyes 



  Boat Fender Hooks From Anglesey Marine Supplies

Boat fender hooks Boat fender eyes made from hard plastic to fit on the boat side or safety cable side cables. Sold in pairs.

Currently only £6.99 £5.99 per pair plus postage



                Boat Fender Hooks From Anglesey Marine Supplies

 Boat fender hooks Boat Fender Eyesmade from hard plastic to fit on the boat pulpit or hand rails. Sold in pairs.

       Currently only £6.99 £5.99 per pair plus postage



  Chrome Plated Boat Fender Hooks

Cost effective chrome plated alloy boat fender hooks boat fender eyes. Chrome plated for maximum protection.



Boat Fender Eyes

Boat fender hooks boat fender eyes plates available in a selection of mounting plates and finishes. All eye plates are gunmetal either bronzed or chromed. Available in two or four hole mounting plates.

Available for only £2.99 each plus delivery 



Boat Mooring Stakes And Boat Mooring Pins 




 Galvanized Steel Canal And NarrowBoat Mooring Pins

 24" long canal and narrowboat mooring pins,16mm solid round bar, fully galvanized with eyelet. Ferrule welded on top to prevent the mooring stake from mushrooming when hammering in. Buy more and save money.


heavy duty mooring pins


   Heavy Duty Mooring Pins

Heavy duty mooring Pins stake spike 19mm diameter solid round bar, fully galvanized, 600mm long with welded on eyelet. 


boat mooring-compensator-spring
boat mooring compensator

Boat Mooring Compensator-Boat Mooring Spring

 Boat Mooring compensator boat mooring spring epdm to accept rope up to 20mm in diameter.


canal-narrowboat-piling hook

Canal NarrowBoat Piling Hook

 Canal and narrowboat piling hook with ring for canal moorings. Buy multiples for better price.


canal-narrowboat-mooring spring

 Mooring Spring Compensator 

Boat mooring spring compensator, accepts rope up to 20mm in diameter.

New introductory price only £18.99 plus postage


Galvanized Short Link Chain


Galvanized Short Link Chain

Hot dipped galvanized short link chain ideal for boat marine moorings and anchors, supplied in bags in 15 metre lengths.

From only £45.99 £39.99 plus postage

Chain Thickness


Canal And Narrowboat Cabin Lights



Narrowboat And Narrowboat Brass Wall Cabin Lights

A quality lamp with a touch of elegance, a polished canal and narrowboat brass wall lights lacquered finish with a translucent plastic shade. Has a inbuilt switch fitted. 12 volt 10 watts.

Dimensions are

Base diameter=70mm, Shade diameter 55mm, Shade length 100mm.


Narrowboat Brass Wall Light

Canal Narrowboat Brass Cabin Wall Lights

 Boat cabin canal and narrowboat brass wall lights, a feel of class and luxury for a low price. Comes with 12v bulb, glass shade etc, also as a built in switch.

Dimensions are

Overall length is 6.5", Shade diameter is 3 3/4", Base diameter is 2 3/4".

New season price of only £35.99 £32.99 limited period only



 Canal & Narrowboat Brass Lacquered Cabin Reading Lights

Fully adjustable canal and narrowboat brass lacquered boat cabin reading lights, with built in switch. Uses 20 watt halogen 12v. beam. Easy to fit.


canal-narrowboat-reading light

Canal Narrowboat Boat Cabin Reading Lamp Light

 Boat cabin brass reading light as a 90mm diameter pre-drilled base for mounting. 12 volt 10 watt bulb.

Available now new this season only £29.99 plus postage



canal-narrowboat-reading light

Canal & Narrowboat Bed Cabin Reading Light Lamp

Boat cabin bed ready light. Gold swivel bed light with pearl bulb, c/w switch. Also ideal for motorhome, horseboxes and caravans. Also available as a single bulb and switch, please use drop menu for choice



canal-narrowboat-cabin light

Canal &  Narrowboat Domed Cabin Light

Teak and brass domed canal and narrowboat cabin light, comes all complete with bulb, shade etc.

As a built in switch.

Originally £34.99 now only  £32.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-cabin light

Canal & Narrowboat Brass Domed Cabin Light 

Polished brass domed cabin light, comes complete with shade, bulb etc.

 Also comes with built in switch.

New season price of only £24.99 £21.99 while stocks last


canal-narrowboat-led-cabin light

Canal And Narrowboat Led Boat Cabin Lights

Canal and narrowBoat boat cabin Led light. 127mm in diameter, comes with fitted switch, 1.7 watt. Ideal for boat cabins, caravans and motorhomes, also horseboxes.

Available for only £29.99 plus postage


boat cabin-fluorescent light

 Boat Cabin Fluorescent Light 12 Volt

Low profile fluorescent boat cabin fluorescent light. 14” (356mm) long.

built in on/off switch 12 volt 8 watts tube.

Available for only £17.99 plus postage



 Boat Cabin Waterproof LED Striplight

Led strip-light, ideal for boat cabins, caravans, motorhomes etc. Striplight is 210mm long comes fitted with 30cm of wires attached. 40 Lumen led light, 12 volt power consumption, waterproof.

Available for only £19.99 plus postage


 Canal & Narrowboat Boat Navigation Lighting


canal narrowboat boat navigation light port stern starboard

 Quality 316 Stainless Boat Navigation Lights

 Quality 316 marine grade stainless steel navigation lights, Comply with all specifications and regulations. All supplied with 12 volt bulbs, however can be used with 24 volt.

Suitable for all boats up to 12 metres in length.

Please use drop bar menu on right for choice.


Canal & Narrowboat Gas Bottle Holder Carrier 

canal-narrowboat-gas bottle holder

Narrowboat & Canal Boat Gas Bottle Holder

 Canal and narrowboat Gas bottle holder container baskets ideally suited for mounting on the boat transom. Avoiding the necessity of encasing. Also ideal for caravans, motorhomes, horseboxes, narrowboats and canal boats. Takes small calor and propane gas bottles.


Large Magnet For Retrieval Of Lost Objects 


canal narrowboat retrieval magnet large

Large Magnet Ideal For Retrieving Lost Items

 Large utility magnet, will lift 40lb in weight. Ideal for anchor retrieval or metal objects lost overboard. Simply attach a rope and lower in the water. Rubber coated to protect retrieved objects. Will lift 40lb in weight.

Special offer only £17.99 £14.99 plus postage



Canal & Narrowboat Bilge Pump And Toilet


canal-narrowboat-bilge pump

 Canal & Narrowboat Automatic Bilge Pump 500 GPH

A premium quality canal and narrowboat bilge pump yet at a budget price, the Eastfro Oasis 12 volt water / bilge pump. 500 gallon per hour pumping capacity. A quality automatic bilge pump at a low low price. Please read the fitting instructions and technical data (click file on bottom left)

Bargain Price of £49.99 £42.95 plus postage



Canal & Narrowboat Foot Operated Water Pump 

 Manually operated boat cabin Foot-pump / water pump. Will pump 15 litres of water per min. Inlet and outlet connection using a 12-13 mm hose.

Available for only £44.99 plus postage


boat water pump

 Splashproof 12 Volt Boat Water Pump

 Splashproof 12V Boat Water pump with a max flow of 100psi. Open flow of 4.3 Litres per minute. Pressure on/off is 35 psi. Has a 1.9 amp draw at 10psi (0.7 bar). Will supply up to 3 fixtures. Uses 3/8" barbs. Ideal for Boats, Caravans and Motorhomes.

Only £35.99 £30.99 plus postage



canal-narrowboat-water pump

 Canal & Narrowboat Foot Operated Water Pump

Economy foot operated water pump, ideal for use in boats, caravans and motor homes. Will pump 8 litres per minute, fits 12-13mm hose.

Available for only £24.99 plus postage




Canal & Narrowboat Galley Water Pump & Tap

 12 volt boat galley water pump complete with tap, switch and pump. Delivers 6.6 litres of water per minute at 2 metres head height. l2mm hose connection. Ideal for boat cabins, caravans, motor-homes, horse-boxes.


canal-narrowboat-bilge pump-switch panel

 Canal & Narrowboat Bilge Pump Switch Panel

Bilge Pump control switch panel, ideal for manual or automatic operation. Can be used with a float switch, c/w fuse. 

On Offer At Only £15.99 £12.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-bilge pump-hose

Canal & Narrowboat Water & Bilge Hose

 Quality reinforced pvc clear hose, perfect for water and boat bilge pump applications. Available in different sizes to fit most pumps. Please choose hose dimension required from drop menu and then enter metres required as quantity.

Available from only £1 per metre plus postage


bilge pump-hose clips

 Stainless Steel Marine Hose Jubilee Clips

Quality stainless steel hose Jubilee Clips, manufactured to British Standard 5315. Available in a variety of sizes from 9.5mm to 100mm. Perfect for all marine hoses, bilge pumps, water tanks.

Prices start from only £1.99 each plus postage  




Canal & Narrowboat Toilet

 Special white vitreous china bowl with internal space as a normal wc. A diaphram easy to use hand pump avoids clogging problems. The compact design enables easy fitting into compact spaces. All metal parts on the canal and narrowboat toilet are stainless steel for maximum corrosion protection. The canal and narrowboat toilet can be installed above or below the waterline. Comes fitted with a wooden seat as standard. Size is 350mm x 320mm x 420mm. Inlet 19mm. Outlet 38mm.

Special offer price only £99.99 limited stocks left


canal-narrowboat-water pump-macerator-toilet

Canal Boat & Narrowboat Toilet Waste Macerator Water Pump

 Toilet waste macerator water pump with 45 minute rated motor. Can discharge tanks up to 2100 ltrs in one operation. Uses a bronze macerator then is pumped away using a flexible rubber impeller. Self priming up to 1.2m head height. 47ltrs per minute capacity at 3m. Draws 18 amp at 12 volt. Inlet 38mm or 53mm. Outlet 25mm.

Competitively price at only £169.99 plus postage



Boat Shower


Boat Shower Pump System

 For use on boats with built in shower or tub. Made from tough, non-corrosive materials. 

Compact, self contained unit works automatically when the water begins to drain. Power consumption 2.5A at 12v. Has 3 inlet hoses and 1 discharge point.

Output is 1800 L Hour



Canal & Narrowboat Compact Shower Box

 Canal and narrowboat compact shower box Compact shower box including handheld spray head and hot and cold shut off control. Manufactured from a durable plastic all fitted inside a flush fitting box with a closing hatch door, ideal for boat, canal and narrow boat, caravan & motorhome.

Available for only £45.99 plus postage


Canal & Narrow Boat Electrics


canal-narrowboat-electrics-ignition switch

 Canal And Narrowboat Electrics

Canal and narrowboat electrics Brass ignition starter switch, three position, three terminals, returns automatically from start to ignition

Only £24.99 £19.99 plus postage



canal narrowboat switch panel electric caravan motorhome


 Canal And Narrowboat Electrics Switch Panel

 New for 2015 our splashproof boat marine switch panel for canal and narrowboats electrics with 6 switches, uv stabilized plastic panel with splashproof neoprene covers on the 6 switches. 125mm x 108mm in size. Includes a selection of pre-printed labels. Ideal in canal boats, narrowboats, motorhomes and caravans.

Special offer price of £29.99 £26.99 plus postage



canal-narrowboat-switch panel

 Battery Testing Switch Panel For Canal And Narrowboats

Double battery testing switch panel for canal and narrowboats with built in volt meter. Allows the testing of up to two different batteries. Perfect for ensuring your leisure batteries are kept charged and in prime condition by warning of any pending failure. We also stock more switch panels for canal boats, narrowboats, caravans and motorhomes under our boat electrics section.

Offer price only £13.99 plus postage 


canal-narrowboat-battery box-electrics

Canal And Narrowboat Battery Box

355mm x 245mm enclosed boat battery box for canal and narrowboat electrics, no need to open lid again as all functions can be accessed through the sockets and terminals on the exterior. A the touch of the meter will indicate battery condition, Used in caravans, motorhomes, canal boats and narrowboats.

Available for only £49.99 plus postage



battery tray-boat-electrics

 Detmar  Leisure Battery Tray

Detmar battery box holder, for securing safely leisure batteries on boats, caravans, motorhomes etc. Manufactured from high strength polypropylene. Available in two sizes 280 x 180mm and 335mm x 180mm. Please use drop menu for size choice.

Available from only £13.99 plus postage




electrics-battery terminal-canal-narrowboat


Battery Isolator Terminals

Marine, Boat battery isolator switch for quick and simple power isolation at source. Easily fitted. Can be used on leisure batteries in canal boats, narrowboats, boats, caravans and motorhomes.

Introductory Price of £7.99 £5.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-isolator switch-electrics

 Boat Marine Leisure Battery Isolator Switch

Heavy duty boat battery isolator safety switch. Rated at 250 amps continuous at 12 volt or 360 amps intermittent. Making it more than adequate for your yacht, boat, motorhome. Also a great anti-theft security device and an excellent marine safety feature. Comes complete with a key (not shown). Used in canal boats, motorhomes, narrowboats, boats.

Special price currently only £29.99 plus postage



canal-narrowboat-isolator switch-electrics

 Boat Battery On Off Isolator Switch 

A cost effective method of safely isolating your boat or motorhome main or leisure battery. Comes complete with a detachable key. Rated at 300 amps initial load with a continuous load of 100 amps. Also comes complete with a waterproof cover. Isolates all batteries for canal, narrow boat, caravan and motorhome.

Special introductory price only £8.99 plus postage  


canal-narrowboat-electrics-junction box

 Waterproof Boat Marine Wiring Junction Box

A choice of 2 different boat marine wiring waterproof junction box for boat electrics ensures perfect and dry connections on your vessel. Ideal when adding new items or appliances. cabin lights, navigation lights, switches and switch panels. Available in either a 8 or a 16 terminal connection. Suitable for canal boat, narrowboat, caravan and motorhome.

Available from only £10.99 plus postage 




canal-narrowboat-electrics-bus bar

 Positive or Negative - Marine Grade Bus Bar

Positive or Negative - Marine Grade - 12 or 24 volt

Main bar manufactured in tin plated brass with insulated mounting base and stainless steel screws for wiring connections. Ideal for canal boats, narrowboats, caravans and motorhomes electrics

Input screws 6mm

Choice of Sizes from only £10.99 plus postage




canal-narrowboat-electrics-cable grommet

 Chrome Plated Brass Cable Grommet

Chrome plated brass cable grommet. 8mm With rubber gasket and cap to eliminate leaking. Ideal when passing cables through transom wells, boat bulk heads etc. Ideal for boats, narrowboats, canal boats, caravans and motorhomes electrics.

Available for only £5.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-boat cabin-usb

 Boat Usb Socket Phone Laptop Ipad Charger

Boat dashboard console mounted double usb socket, comes with a waterproof cap. Used for charging ipads, mobile phones, laptops etc with the manufacturers recommended cables. Ideal for boats, motorhomes, canal and narrowboats, caravans.

Available for only £14.99 plus postage


Canal & Narrowboat Life Jackets 



budget lifejacket canal narrowboat boat jetski anglesey marine supplies


Budget Life Jackets from Anglesey Marine Supplies


Budget life jackets 100 Newton lifejackets from Anglesey Marine Supplies, fitted with crutch strap, to prevent riding up. Retro-reflective tape, for night time recognition , a fold back collar and whistle. Designed with a self righting ability to assist distressed sailors turn safely on their backs. Ideal for boats, jetskis, canal and narrowboats.

From Only £35.99 £31.99 plus postage





Dog Life Jackets

Dog Life Jackets

Dog Life Jackets in hi-vis yellow. Safety for your pet. Please use drop down menu for purchase options and sizes.

 Prices from £14.99 £12.99 plus postage 




 Complete Horseshoe Lifebuoy Set Boat Marine Safety

Complete horseshoe lifebuoy set, comprising of a lifebuoy, solas light, and a 30 metre length of rope. All contained in a watertight case with external fasteners to attach to boat rails or pulpits. A must for marine safety and piece of mind when sailing. Suitable for canal boats, narrowboats, boats, yachts, sailboats etc. A must in boat safety.

Special offer price only £59.99 plus postage


Canal & Narrowboat Brass ware



canal narrowboat brass boat sign
canal narrowboat brass name plate sign
brass boat canal narrowboat name plate sign

Polished Brass Name Plates Canal & Narrowboat 

 Anglesey Marine Supplies have a wide selection of polished brass signs applicable for new British Waterways and River authority regulations. Predrilled with two holes. 80mm x 30mm in size. 

Full range available for only £5.99 £4.99 each. Please use drop bar menu for sign choice


Sign Title


porthole mirror brass canal narrowboat cabin

  Polished Brass Porthole Mirrors Canal & Narrowboat

 Anglesey Marine Supplies have three different sizes of polished brass porthole mirrors available to give your canal and narrowboat cabin that touch of class. Availabe in sizes 290mm, 203mm and 145mm.

Use drop bar on right for size choice.

Available from only £19.99 £16.99 plus postage while stocks last



canal-narrowboat-brass-cabin hooks

 Polished Brass Silent Cabin Hook Canal & Narrowboat

Polished brass silent cabin hooks, Quality item, Available in 3 sizes, All with four hole fixing. Sizes available are 50mm long, 75mm long and 100mm long. Use drop bar on right for size choice.

Prices Start From Only £4.99 £3.99 While Limited Stocks Last




canal-narrowboat-brass-tiller pins

 Small & Large Brass Tiller Pins Canal & Narrowboat

Two sizes of brass tiller pins available from Anglesey Marine Supplies. First the smaller pin measures 160mm long and secondly the larger tiller pin measures 215mm long.

A cost effective decorative feature.

Available from only £14.99 plus postage 




canal-narrowboat-coat hanger-brass

 Brass Four Hook Swiveling Coat Hanger Canal & Narrowboat

Polished brass all in one folding 4 hook coat hanger for boat cabin Swivels flat when not in use. All hooks swivel 180 degrees. 7Omn x 38mm. Predriilled ready for easy fitting. Ideal for canal and narrowboat cabins.

Available for only £7.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-brass-door stop-boat cabin

 Brass Boat Cabin Door Stop Canal & Narrowboat

Solid polished brass door stop with rubber insert. Provides an ideal item to match other brass fittings in traditional surroundings. Comes with fastening screws. Door stop dimensions are 45mm. wide x 25mm. deep. Perfect for canal and narrowboat boat cabins.

Available for only £4.99 plus postage


Canal And Narrowboat Boat Cabin Brass Vent

canal-narrowboat-boat cabin-vent-brass

 Boat Yacht Gold Aluminium Grill Vent Canal & Narrowboat

A matt gold  lightweight aluminium round mesh grill vent. An excellent decorative feature for your boat cabin. Also available in a silver finish.

Offer price currently only £8.99 plus postage




canal-narrowboat-boat cabin-brass-door knocker

 Brass Ship Door Knocker Canal & Narrowboat

Ornate brass ship door knocker, perfect for boat and yacht cabin doors. A useful and yet decorative feature. New for the 2013 boating and yachting season.

Available for only £11.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-brass-water filler

 Brass Boat Deck Water Filler Canal & Narrowboat

Brass boat deck filler for “WATER”. To fit 1 1/2” tubing (38mm). Polished brass finish, predrilled for fixing to boat.

Available for only £29.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-brass-filler key

  Universal Brass Deck Filler Key Canal & Narrowboat

Traditional brass deck filler key, will fit most of deck fillers. This 5 sided key has ‘’T’’piece handle for easy removal of cap.

Available for only £5.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-brass-cabin latch

 Boat Cabin Brass Security Latch Canal & Narrowboat

Solid brass security cabin latch 145mm long on safety arm and 60mm wide plates either end. Ideal for canal and narrowboat cabins.

Available for only £3.99 plus postage


Canal & Narrowboat Boat Cabin Solar Ventilator


canal-narrowboat-solar power-boat cabin-ventilator


Stainless Solar Powered Boat Deck VentIlator 24hr Canal & Narrowboat

Marine grade 316 stainless steel solar powered boat-yacht deck ventilator. Two types available, the first is the standard model that operates during day only, the second as a built in power store that is switch operated to enable night use. Ideal for keeping boat cabins aired, smelling fresh and free of mould and mildew. 22cm outside diameter. Please use drop bar menu for choice, also ideal for caravans and motorhomes.

Offer price from only £55.99 plus postage




canal-narrowboat-boat cabin-ventilator-solar power

 Solar Powered Boat Ventilator Canal & Narrowboat

Solar powered ventilator with built in watertight motor, keeps the boat smelling fresh and ventilated. Manufactured from ABS plastic and polycarbonate. Ideal for mounting on side or roof of boat cabins.

Special offer price only £49.99 plus postage


canal-narrowboat-boat cabin-vent

 Rectangular Stainless Steel Boat Vents Canal & Narrowboat

Rectangular stainless steel boat vent available in 3 different sizes. 127mm x 65mm,  116mm x 128mm, 128mm x 232mm. Please click the checkout button for size choice of boat cabin vent. Ideal for boats, caravans and motor homes.

Available from only £3.99 plus postage



canal-narrowboat-vent-boat cabin

 Boat, Yacht, 6 Louvre Plastic Air Vent Canal & Narrowboat

UV stabilised ABS plastic air vents, 6 louvres, 45cm long x 9cm wide in white.

Offer price only £9.99 each plus postage


 Canal & Narrowboat Maintenance & Cleaning Products


canal-narrowboat-fuel treatment

 Boat Diesel Fuel Treatment Bioguard Canal & Narrowboat

Valvtect Biogard is effective in controlling the growth of micro organisms that breed in fuel and water which produce slime, sludge and acid in diesel boat engines. Perfect for canal and narrowboat engines,  

Available for only £28.99 plus postage


Canal And Narrowboat Engine Oil

canal-narrowboat-engine oil

 Lucas SAE 20W-50 Marine Engine Oil Canal & Narrowboat

Fortified with an exclusive Lucas additive package containing a high degree of zinc, moly and phosphorus that provides a tougher, thicker additive film for maximum protection from metal to metal contact.
Guarantees lower oil temperature for longer oil life and less metal fatigue.
Has higher lubricity for faster acceleration and more RPM's
Protects against oil cavitation (foaming); a must for high revving engines
Slows oil burning and raises oil pressure in worn engines
A must for flat tappet cams
Stands up to high operating temperatures
Compatible with methanol, ethanol or racing fuels.
Fortified with a special blend of synthetic additives that coat all moving parts to guard against rust and moisture during long periods of storage. Safely blends with synthetic & non-synthetic oils.
Excellent for use with supercharged, turbo charged or nitrous oxide high performance engines. Perfect for canal and narrowboat engines but please check manufactures requirements.

Currently only £15.99 £13.99 for 946ml bottles plus postage



canal-narrowboat-engine oil

   Lucas SAE 20W-50 Marine Engine Oil  Semi- Synthetic Canal & Narrowboat

  Fortified with an exclusive Lucas additive package containing a high degree of zinc, moly and phosphorus that provides a tougher, thicker additive film for maximum protection from metal to metal contact.
Guarantees lower oil temperature for longer oil life and less metal fatigue.
Has higher lubricity for faster acceleration and more RPM's
Protects against oil cavitation (foaming); a must for high revving engines
Slows oil burning and raises oil pressure in worn engines
A must for flat tappet cams
Stands up to high operating temperatures
Compatible with methanol, ethanol or racing fuels.
Fortified with a special blend of synthetic additives that coat all moving parts to guard against rust and moisture during long periods of storage. Safely blends with synthetic & non-synthetic oils.
Excellent for use with supercharged, turbo charged or nitrous oxide high performance engines. NOT recommended for passenger car use.

Currently only £17.99 £15.99 for 946ml bottles plus postage



marine gease boat canalboat narrowboat

  Lucas Marine Grease Canal & Narrow Boat


Lucas Marine Grease is a premium, heavy duty lithium complex NLGI GC-LB certified grease formulated with a unique additive system designed to provide maximum lubrication under the most severe marine operating conditions. A true marine grease with applications in trailer wheel bearings, trailer chassis lubrication, automotive wheel bearings and outboards. Typical weld point of 620 kg. The minimum industry standard is 200 kg. Not recommended for centralized dispensing systems.

Key Benefits:
NLGI GC-LB certified
Typical weld point of 620 kg (minimum industry standard is 200 kg)
Timken load 80 lbs
Dropping point 540 lbs
Provides rust and corrosion protection in both fresh water and salt water environments
Effective water resistance
Long lasting
Resist extreme pressure
Extreme friction reducer

Low Price at only £7.99 £6.99 plus postage



canal narrowboat zinc spray boat galvanising paint

 Instant Cold Galvanising Spray Canal & Narrowboat

CRC Instant cold galvanising spray, ideal for boat trailer repairs or for maximum protection on ferrous metal products. Simple to use and very effective. ideal for keeping your canal & narrowboat rust free.

Available for only £14.99 plus postage



canal narrowboat carpet rug cleaner boat

 Starbrite Boat Carpet Rug Cleaner Canal & Narrowboat

 Stain buster boat carpet and rug cleaner. Removes oil, grease, pet stains and odours, is safe for all kinds of boat carpets.Additives repels future staining. Spray and wipe. 22fl oz. bottle. Ideal for canal and narrowboats.

Available for only £12.99 plus postage



canal narrowboat aluminium boat cleaner

 Starbrite Boat Marine Aluminium Cleaner Canal & Narrowboat


Specially formulated boat marine aluminium cleaner to clean and brighten dull aluminium without hard rubbing. Clean up your boats aluminium deck ware effortlessly. Ideal for canal & narrowboat maintenance.

Available for only £17.99 plus postage



canal narrowboat boat moisture absorber cabin

Boat Cabin Moisture Absorber Canal & Narrowboat

Boat cabin moisture absorber, prevent mildew and odours in boat cabins and galleys. Use where moisture, mildew, mold or musty odours are a problem. Comes in a 12oz tub, refills available.

Available for only £7.99 plus postage


boat maintenance spray oil fogging canal narrowboat

   Lucas Tool Box Buddy Anti Rust Corrosion Spray Canal & Narrowboat Maintenance.

 Features: Use on nuts, bolts, hinges, bearings, fishing reels, sliding doors,outboard engine tilt tubes, cables or a million other home and workshop uses where other products just aren't good enough. An ideal fogging oil.

 Key Benefits:

                              Designed to dissolve corrosion and rust without drying out.

Provides a microscopic film that rust-proofs for up to a year, inside or out excellent protection against water, even salt water. Ideal for the maintenance of outboard control cables, linkages, tilt tubes, boat trailer parts etc. Low odour Fortified with anti-seize agents. Easy to use can sprays anywhere, even upside down. Contains no chlorine or fluorocarbons. Ideal as a fogging oil, suitable for piston and upper cylinder protection. An ideal winterising product.


On offer at only £10.99 £9.99 per 11oz can plus postage



canal narrowboat boat engine oil sump extractor


Oil Sump Fluid Extractor Kit Canal & Narrowboat

Oil and fluid extractor kit. Large pump makes easy work of extracting sump oil. Also acts as a container with built in pouring spout, allowing for a clean transfer at a proper facility. Comes with a range of hose adaptors for connection to various marine, boat, jetski, pwc engines. Also suitable for extracting bilge water. 6.5 litre holding capacity. Also suitable for cars, vans, generators, diesel and petrol engines etc.

Only £79.99 £69.99 plus postage



canal narrowboat boat deck brush wash kit

  Deluxe Boat Deck Brush Kit Canal & Narrowboat

 Deluxe deck brush kit comprising telescopic 48” aluminium handle, coarse brush, mop and boat hook end. Complete kit takes up less space when storing. Ideal for canal & narrowboat decks.

New for 2013 Boating Season only £25.99 plus postage



boat deck wash cleaning kit hose canal narrowboat

Boat Deck Cleaning Kit With Boat Hook Canal & Narrowboat 

Boat deck cleaning & washing kit with extendable wash brush. Extends from 64cm to 103cm. Allows water to flow through the non scratch brush head when using the hose connector. Made from lightweight aluminium, can also be used as an extendable boat hook.

Available for only £24.99 plus postage



Canal & Narrowboat Gangway Platform


canal-narrowboat-gangway platform

 Anti-Sliding Boat Gangway Platform Aluminium

Anti-sliding folding gangway platform, manufactured from extruded anodised aluminium with anti sliding plastic grating for maintenance free use. Provided with wheels, pivot pin and flush mounted aluminium base for gangway anchor point. Available in two different lengths. Ideal for boats, canal & narrowboats etc.

Available from only £350 plus postage




Canal & Narrowboat Engine Control Cables 


canal narrowboat engine control cable boat c8 ultraflex mach zero

C8 Heavy Duty Boat Control Cables

Heavy duty Ultraflex C8 boat engine control cables, available in a range of sizes, please choose size from the add to cart drop bar on the right. Same cables as mach zero. Suitable for canal and narrowboat applications.

Available from only £15.99 each plus postage


Length Metres


Length Metres


canal and narrowboat boat fuel shut off stop choke cable b14

 B14 Cable For Throttle-Fuel Shut Off & Choke Etc

B14 cable designed for throttle, fuel shut-off, diesel stop and other applications. Supplied with black “T” bar handle, clamp and shim, and trunion connector. Ideal for boat builders and also kit car enthusiasts. Please use menu for length choice. Used for canal & narrowboat stop cables.

Available from only £23.99 plus postage




Boat Hooks & Barge Poles Canal & Narrowboat 


barge pole boat canal narrowboat hardwood

Hardwood Barge Pole Canal & Narrowboat

Hardwood barge pole, used for fending off canal and river banks. 3 meters (10 foot) in length and 50mm (2 inch) in diameter. Canal and Narrowboat.

Available for only £32.99 each plus postage



telescopic boat hook canal narrowboat black blue red grey

Aluminium Telescopic Boat Hook Canal & Narrowboat 

Aluminium telescopic boat hook, manufactured from anodized alloy with a strong durable plastic boat hook end. 3cm diameter tubing. Adjusts from 120cm (51 inch) to 220cm (86 inch). Available in colours black, grey, blue and red. Canal and Narrowboat.

Available for only £16.99 plus postage




hardwood boat hook brass chrome canal narrowboat

Hardwood Boat Hooks Canal & Narrowboat

Hardwood boat hook with a chromed brass hook end. Available in two lengths 180cm and 210cm. Canal and Narrowboat.

Available from only £32.99 plus postage



extra long telescopic boat hook canal narrowboat boat

Extra Long Telescopic Boat Hook Canal & Narrowboat

Extra long telescopic boat hook in 3 sections, 3 piece tubular aluminium construction, adjustable from 130cm to 240cm.

 Available for only £22.99 plus postage



Canal & Narrowboat First Aid Kit 


boat first aid kit seachoice canal narrowboat

 Seachoice First Aid Kit Canal & Narrowboat

A must for all vessels. The Seachoice deluxe marine boat first aid kit comprising of a large selection of doctor selected items. An essential item in any boat cabin.

On offer at £35.99 £32.99 plus postage



Boat Storage Holders 


boat drinks phone vhf frs radio holder canal boat narrowboat

Boat Storage Holder Cups Radio Mobile Phone

Lalizas store all holder for boats, canal and narrowboats, motorhomes and caravans. Ideal for holding cups, cell phones, vhf / frs or other marine communication devices. Fixing mounts sold below.

Available for only £5.99 plus postage



boat storage holder phone radio cup gps canal narrowboat

Boat Storage Holder Large Size Phones Binoculars

Lalizas store all boat storage holder, large size to hold marine binoculars, gps, cell phones etc. Ideal for storage problems on boats, canal and narrowboats, motorhomes and caravans etc.

 Available for only £7.99 plus postage



boat storage holder store all lalizas drinks phone gps holder

Boat Storage Holder Cups Organiser Diary

Lalizas store all range, cup and organizer storage combined, for also storing gps, cups, tinned drinks, mobile phones etc. Ideal for boats, caravans, motorhomes, canal and narrowboats etc.

Available for only £8.99 plus postage



boat storage holder drinks warmer cooler

Boat Drinks Holder Thermal Cover Warm / Cool

Boat storage holder isotherm cover for drinks, designed to fit most common cans and cups, Will keep drinks hotter or colder for longer.

Available for only £2.99 each plus postage



boat store all storage holder mount

 Lalizas Store All Storage Box Mounts

Lalizas fixed mount for all storage boxed sold above, The mount is fixed to a surface and this allows the boat storage container to be slid into place. The boat storage container can then be removed if necessary.

Available for only £1.99 each plus postage



boat storage drinks holder rail mount fixing lalizas store all

Boat Store All Containers Rail Mount

Rail mounted support for all our boat storage containers. Allows you to mount your store all boat storage containers onto boat rails. Storage containers then easily slide onto the rail mounts. Ideal for boats, canal and narrowboats.

Available for only £5.99 plus postage



 Canal & Narrowboat Thermometers Barometers & Hygrometers


boat canalboat canal narrowboat barometer vion

 Vion A100 Range Boat Barometer Canal & Narrowboat


Vion A100 range boat barometer with needle readings. Has a recessed dial for style and ease of reading. Dimensions are- 100mm face diameter, 125mm overall width, 50mm depth. Quality item for boat cabins, cuddys, canal & narrowboat cabins and galleys.

Choice of finishes either brass or chrome.

                      Available for only £42.99 plus postage




canl narrowboat vion thermometer hygrometer canal boat galley cabin

 Vion A100 Range Thermometer & Hygrometer

Vion A100 range boat thermometer / hygrometer with needle readings. Has a recessed dial for style and ease of reading. Dimensions are- 100mm face diameter, 125mm overall width, 50mm depth. Quality item for boat cabins, cuddy, canal and narrowboat cabins and galleys.

Available for only £41.99 plus postage